PayPal Donations for phpFox
This old favourite integrates PayPal donations with your community and allows you to reward your users for their donations…
It uses PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification to tie in seamlessly with your site, and gives you another means through which to generate income from your community.
Main features walkthrough:
- Users donate through a donation page on your website
- Users are returned to the site to confirm their donation
- Users are then rewarded for their donation:
- They get activity points, relative to the size of the donation
- They become a featured member on the site
- They get entered into the ‘Hall of Fame’, a new section of the site which details all your donors by their donation amount, and shows your site donations total.
The ‘Donate’ and ‘Hall of Fame’ sections can be links in either the main menu or top menu of your site.
Note: You must have a PayPal account to use this mod, with your IPN (instant payment notification) address available to be directed to a script on your phpFox site.
This mod is completely automated and requires no input or approval actions from the administrator whatsoever. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to easily increase the revenue earned from your site.
Click below to buy now