Postcards Mod for phpFox
A well integrated, comprehensive postcard / e-card system for your phpFox community. With this new postcards mod your users can send postcards of any image in the main gallery, or in a member’s gallery, to whoever they want.
To send a postcard, users simply find the image they wish to send (either in the main gallery or in a member’s gallery) and click the “send this as a postcard” link below it. On the next screen they can style the card and add their personalised message. The postcard is then previewed, and adjusted if necessary, before being submitted. Recipients are then notified (by email and/or private message) of how to retrieve their card.
The main features of this mod include:
- Postcards can be addressed to usernames or email addresses
- Send postcards to up to 20 people at a time
- Comprehensive validation and error reporting
- Private message notifications of postcard receipt sent to users
- Email notifications sent to all postcard recipients
- Each card has it’s own URL
This mod works with both clean/short URLs as well as long/messy ones.
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